HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide
1.1.2 - release Japan flag

HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v1.1.2) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example PractitionerRole: JP Core ProcedureRole Example 精神科外来サービス担当

Generated Narrative: PractitionerRole

ResourcePractitionerRole "jp-practitionerrole-example-1"

Profile: JP Core PractitionerRole Profile

identifier: http://www.acme.org/practitioners/23

active: true

period: 2012-01-01 --> 2012-03-31

practitioner: Practitioner/jp-practitioner-example-male-1: 大阪 一郎 " 大阪"

organization: Organization/jp-organization-example-hospital: 健康第一病院 "健康第一病院"

code: 医師 (JP Core Practitioner Role CodeSystem#JPR10000)

location: Location/jp-location-example-examinationroom: 外来101診察室 "外来101診察室"

telecom: ph: 3456(WORK), ichiro.osaka@example.org


daysOfWeek: mon, tue, wed

availableStartTime: 09:00:00

availableEndTime: 16:30:00


daysOfWeek: thu, fri

availableStartTime: 09:00:00

availableEndTime: 12:00:00


*大阪 一郎は2017年5月中に長期休暇を取る予定です。2017-05-01 --> 2017-05-20

availabilityExceptions: 祝祭日やクリスマス・年末年始の休暇中は、大阪 一郎は休日です。

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