HL7 Japan-JAMI eReferral ImplementationGuide
1.1.1-rc - release Japan flag

HL7 Japan-JAMI eReferral ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v1.1.1-rc). See the Directory of published versions

Example AllergyIntolerance: alg1ReferralExample01

Generated Narrative: AllergyIntolerance

Resource AllergyIntolerance "alg1ReferralExample01"

Profiles: JP Core AllergyIntolerance Profile, JP_AllergyIntolerance_eClinicalSummary

identifier: id: 102934701

clinicalStatus: Active (AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status Codes#active)

type: allergy

category: food

criticality: unable-to-assess

code: サバ ()

patient: jppatientExample01

encounter: encounterReferralExample01

onset: 30 a (Details: UCUM code a = 'a')

note: サバ食後3時間ほどで全身に発疹と腹痛あり