HL7 Japan-JAMI eReferral ImplementationGuide
1.1.1-rc - release Japan flag

HL7 Japan-JAMI eReferral ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v1.1.1-rc). See the Directory of published versions

Example Organization: referralToOrganizationExample01

Generated Narrative: Organization

Resource Organization "referralToOrganizationExample01"

Profiles: JP Core Organization Profile, JP_Organization_eClinicalSummary

JP Core Organization PrefectureNo Extension: 東京都 (Details: urn:oid:1.2.392.100495.20.3.21 code 13 = '東京都', stated as 'null')

JP Core Organization InsuranceOrganizationCategory Extension: 医科 (Details: urn:oid:1.2.392.100495.20.3.22 code 1 = '医科', stated as 'null')

JP Core Organization InsuranceOrganizationNo Extension: id: 1234567

identifier: id: 1311234567

type: Healthcare Provider (Organization type#prov)

name: 東京第一テスト病院

telecom: ph: 03-1234-5678

address: 東京都文京区文京町1−2−3