1.0.0 - ci-build

JPCoreV1 - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Server Capability Statement Guide


2.5.1. JP Core Server Capability Statement 概要

この章ではJP Core Requestor[クライアント]から発行される問い合わせに対して応答する責務のある、JP Core Serverに要求される機能(expected capabilities)について記載する。
JP Core Serverによってサポートされる FHIR プロファイル・RESTful操作・検索パラメータの完全なリストを定義する。
JP Core Clientは個別のユースケースや意味的な要請に応じてこれらのリストを通じて必要なデータにアクセスすることができる。

項目 内容
定義URL http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/CapabilityStatement/StructureDefinition/jp-core-server
バージョン 1.0.0
名前 JPCoreServerCapabilityStatement
タイトル JP Core Server Capability Statement
ステータス アクティブ(2021-12-01)
定義 JP Core Server Actorの期待される機能について説明する。 JP Core ServerがサポートするFHIRプロファイル、OperationsおよびSearch Parametersのリストが定義されている。
公開者 FHIR® Japanese implementation research working group in Japan Association of Medical Informatics (JAMI)
Copyright FHIR® Japanese implementation research working group in Japan Association of Medical Informatics (JAMI)
ソースリソース https://simplifier.net/jp-core-draftv1/jpcoreservercapabilitystatement FHIR RESTful Capabilities

  • JP Coreは以下の要件を必須とする(SHALL)
    • FHIR仕様に基づくRESTfulなふるまいの実装
  • 以下のレスポンスクラスを返すこと
    • (Status 400): invalid parameter
    • (Status 401/4xx): unauthorized request
    • (Status 403): insufficient scope
    • (Status 404): unknown resource
    • (Status 410): deleted resource.
  • 全てのJP Core interactionにおいてjson記述をサポートすること(SHOULD)

  • JP Coreは以下の要件を満たすべきである(SHOULD)
    • 各インスタンス を、FHIR meta.profile 属性の一部としてサポートされる JP Core profileとして認識すること
  • JP Coreでは以下の要件を実装しても良い(MAY)。
    • 全てのJP Core interactionにおいてXML記述をサポートすること
  • セキュリティ
    • See the General Security Considerations section for requirements and recommendations.
    • サーバーはunauthorizedなリクエストに対してはHTTP 401を返さなければならない。(SHALL) 検索条件サマリ

|Resource Type|Supported Profiles|Supported Searches| |—|—|—| |Patient ||[SHALL] identifier
[SHOULD] name
[SHOULD] birthdate + name
[SHOULD] birthdate + gender
[SHOULD] birthdate + name + gender
[SHOULD] name + phone
[SHOULD] name + address + postalcode
[MAY] family + given + birthdate + gender + phone + address-postalcode| |Coverage ||[SHOULD] beneficiary
[SHOULD] class-type
[SHOULD] class-value
[SHOULD] dependent
[SHOULD] identifier
[SHOULD] patient
[SHOULD] payor
[SHOULD] policy-holder
[SHOULD] status
[SHOULD] subscriber
[SHOULD] type| |Encounter ||[SHALL] patient
[SHALL] date + patient
[SHOULD] identifier
[SHOULD] class + patient
[SHOULD] patient + type
[SHOULD] patient + status| |Location ||[SHOULD] name
[SHOULD] address
[SHOULD] address-city
[SHOULD] address-state
[SHOULD] address-postalcode| |Organization ||[SHOULD] identifier
[SHOULD] name
[SHOULD] address| |Practitioner ||[SHALL] identifier
[SHALL] name| |PractitionerRole ||[SHALL] specialty
[SHALL] practitioner| |Medication | | |MedicationRequest ||[SHALL] identifier
[SHOULD] patient
[SHOULD] patient + date
[SHOULD] patient + authoredon
[MAY] date + authoredon + category + code + requester| |- ||-| |MedicationDispense ||[SHALL] identifier
[SHOULD] patient
[SHOULD] patient + whenhandedover
[MAY] whenhandedover + whenprepared + context + code + performer | |- ||-| |MedicationAdministration ||[SHALL] identifier
[SHOULD] patient
[SHOULD] patient + effective-time
[MAY]code| |- ||-| |Observation ||[SHOULD] subject + code + date + based-on
[SHOULD] subject + code + date + value-quantity + based-on
[SHOULD] subject + code + date + value-concept + based-on
[SHOULD] subject + code + date + value-string + based-on
[SHOULD] code + value-quantity + subject
[SHOULD] code + value-concept + subject
[SHOULD] code + value-string + subject
[MAY] patient + category + code + value-quantity
[MAY] patient + category + code + value-quantity + date
[MAY] patient + category + code + value-quantity + encounter| |- ||-| |- ||-| |- ||-| |- ||-| |- ||-| |ImagingStudy ||[SHOULD] subject + modality
[SHOULD] subject + bodysite
[SHOULD] subject + started
[SHOULD] subject + started + modality + bodysite
[SHOULD]encounter| |DiagnosticReport ||[SHOULD] subject + category
[SHOULD] subject + category + based-on
[SHOULD] subject + category + date
[MAY]based-on + category + code + conclusion + date + encounter + identifier + issued + media + performer + result + results-interpreter + status + subject| |- ||-| |- ||-| |AllergyIntolerance ||[SHALL] patient
[SHALL] patient + date
[SHOULD] patient + clinicalstatus
[SHOULD] patient + verificationstatus
[SHOULD] patient + type
[SHOULD] patient + category
[SHOULD] patient + criticality |Condition ||[SHALL] patient
[SHALL] patient + date
[SHOULD] patient + clinicalstatus
[SHOULD] patient + verificationstatus
[SHOULD] patient + category| |Procedure ||[SHALL] patient
[SHALL] patient + date| RESTful Capabilities by Resource/Profile:

Capablity Statementリソースはより参照すること。