1.0.0 - ci-build

JPCoreV1 - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: JP_Location

Defining URL:http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/StructureDefinition/JP_Location
Status:Active as of 9/15/20, 6:54 AM


Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

The official URL for this profile is:


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Location


This structure is derived from Location

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Location 0..*Location物理的な場所の詳細情報と位置情報
... identifier 0..*IdentifierUnique code or number identifying the location to its users / ユーザーに場所を特定する一意のコードまたは番号
... status 0..1codeactive | suspended | inactive / アクティブ|中断|非アクティブ
... operationalStatus 0..1CodingThe operational status of the location (typically only for a bed/room) / ロケーションの運用ステータス(通常、ベッド/部屋のみ)
... alias 0..*stringA list of alternate names that the location is known as, or was known as, in the past / その場所が過去に知られていた、または以前から知られていた別名のリスト
... description 0..1stringAdditional details about the location that could be displayed as further information to identify the location beyond its name / 名前以外の場所を識別するための詳細情報として表示できる場所に関する追加の詳細
... mode 0..1codeinstance | kind / インスタンス|種類
... type 0..*CodeableConceptType of function performed / 実行される機能のタイプ
... telecom 0..*ContactPointContact details of the location / 所在地の連絡先
... address 0..1AddressPhysical location / 物理的な場所
... physicalType 0..1CodeableConceptPhysical form of the location / 場所の物理的な形態
... position 0..1BackboneElementThe absolute geographic location / 絶対的な地理的位置
.... longitude 1..1decimalLongitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの経度
.... latitude 1..1decimalLatitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの緯度
.... altitude 0..1decimalAltitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データによる高度
... managingOrganization 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization responsible for provisioning and upkeep / プロビジョニングと維持管理を担当する組織
... partOf 0..1Reference(Location)Another Location this one is physically a part of / この場所が物理的に存在するもう一つの場所
... hoursOfOperation 0..*BackboneElementWhat days/times during a week is this location usually open / この場所は通常、1週間のうち何日/時間帯に営業しています。
.... daysOfWeek 0..*codemon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun / 月|火|水|木|金|土|日
.... allDay 0..1booleanThe Location is open all day / その場所は終日営業しています
.... openingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location opens / 場所が開く時間
.... closingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location closes / 場所が閉まる時間
... availabilityExceptions 0..1stringDescription of availability exceptions / 利用可能の例外についての説明。
... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location / 場所のために運営されているサービスへのアクセスを提供する技術的なエンドポイント

doco Documentation for this format
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Location 0..*Location物理的な場所の詳細情報と位置情報
... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifact
... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierUnique code or number identifying the location to its users / ユーザーに場所を特定する一意のコードまたは番号
... status ?!Σ0..1codeactive | suspended | inactive / アクティブ|中断|非アクティブ
Binding: LocationStatus (required): Indicates whether the location is still in use.

... operationalStatus Σ0..1CodingThe operational status of the location (typically only for a bed/room) / ロケーションの運用ステータス(通常、ベッド/部屋のみ)
Binding: hl7VS-bedStatus (preferred): The operational status if the location (where typically a bed/room).

... name Σ0..1stringName of the location as used by humans / 人間が使用する場所の名前
... alias 0..*stringA list of alternate names that the location is known as, or was known as, in the past / その場所が過去に知られていた、または以前から知られていた別名のリスト
... description Σ0..1stringAdditional details about the location that could be displayed as further information to identify the location beyond its name / 名前以外の場所を識別するための詳細情報として表示できる場所に関する追加の詳細
... mode Σ0..1codeinstance | kind / インスタンス|種類
Binding: LocationMode (required): Indicates whether a resource instance represents a specific location or a class of locations.

... type Σ0..*CodeableConceptType of function performed / 実行される機能のタイプ
Binding: ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType (extensible): Indicates the type of function performed at the location.

... telecom 0..*ContactPointContact details of the location / 所在地の連絡先
... address 0..1AddressPhysical location / 物理的な場所
... physicalType Σ0..1CodeableConceptPhysical form of the location / 場所の物理的な形態
Binding: LocationType (example): Physical form of the location.

... position 0..1BackboneElementThe absolute geographic location / 絶対的な地理的位置
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... longitude 1..1decimalLongitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの経度
.... latitude 1..1decimalLatitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの緯度
.... altitude 0..1decimalAltitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データによる高度
... managingOrganization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization responsible for provisioning and upkeep / プロビジョニングと維持管理を担当する組織
... partOf 0..1Reference(Location)Another Location this one is physically a part of / この場所が物理的に存在するもう一つの場所
... hoursOfOperation 0..*BackboneElementWhat days/times during a week is this location usually open / この場所は通常、1週間のうち何日/時間帯に営業しています。
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... daysOfWeek 0..*codemon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun / 月|火|水|木|金|土|日
Binding: DaysOfWeek (required): The days of the week.

.... allDay 0..1booleanThe Location is open all day / その場所は終日営業しています
.... openingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location opens / 場所が開く時間
.... closingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location closes / 場所が閉まる時間
... availabilityExceptions 0..1stringDescription of availability exceptions / 利用可能の例外についての説明。
... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location / 場所のために運営されているサービスへのアクセスを提供する技術的なエンドポイント

doco Documentation for this format

This structure is derived from Location


Differential View

This structure is derived from Location

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Location 0..*Location物理的な場所の詳細情報と位置情報
... identifier 0..*IdentifierUnique code or number identifying the location to its users / ユーザーに場所を特定する一意のコードまたは番号
... status 0..1codeactive | suspended | inactive / アクティブ|中断|非アクティブ
... operationalStatus 0..1CodingThe operational status of the location (typically only for a bed/room) / ロケーションの運用ステータス(通常、ベッド/部屋のみ)
... alias 0..*stringA list of alternate names that the location is known as, or was known as, in the past / その場所が過去に知られていた、または以前から知られていた別名のリスト
... description 0..1stringAdditional details about the location that could be displayed as further information to identify the location beyond its name / 名前以外の場所を識別するための詳細情報として表示できる場所に関する追加の詳細
... mode 0..1codeinstance | kind / インスタンス|種類
... type 0..*CodeableConceptType of function performed / 実行される機能のタイプ
... telecom 0..*ContactPointContact details of the location / 所在地の連絡先
... address 0..1AddressPhysical location / 物理的な場所
... physicalType 0..1CodeableConceptPhysical form of the location / 場所の物理的な形態
... position 0..1BackboneElementThe absolute geographic location / 絶対的な地理的位置
.... longitude 1..1decimalLongitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの経度
.... latitude 1..1decimalLatitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの緯度
.... altitude 0..1decimalAltitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データによる高度
... managingOrganization 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization responsible for provisioning and upkeep / プロビジョニングと維持管理を担当する組織
... partOf 0..1Reference(Location)Another Location this one is physically a part of / この場所が物理的に存在するもう一つの場所
... hoursOfOperation 0..*BackboneElementWhat days/times during a week is this location usually open / この場所は通常、1週間のうち何日/時間帯に営業しています。
.... daysOfWeek 0..*codemon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun / 月|火|水|木|金|土|日
.... allDay 0..1booleanThe Location is open all day / その場所は終日営業しています
.... openingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location opens / 場所が開く時間
.... closingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location closes / 場所が閉まる時間
... availabilityExceptions 0..1stringDescription of availability exceptions / 利用可能の例外についての説明。
... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location / 場所のために運営されているサービスへのアクセスを提供する技術的なエンドポイント

doco Documentation for this format

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Location 0..*Location物理的な場所の詳細情報と位置情報
... id Σ0..1stringLogical id of this artifact
... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierUnique code or number identifying the location to its users / ユーザーに場所を特定する一意のコードまたは番号
... status ?!Σ0..1codeactive | suspended | inactive / アクティブ|中断|非アクティブ
Binding: LocationStatus (required): Indicates whether the location is still in use.

... operationalStatus Σ0..1CodingThe operational status of the location (typically only for a bed/room) / ロケーションの運用ステータス(通常、ベッド/部屋のみ)
Binding: hl7VS-bedStatus (preferred): The operational status if the location (where typically a bed/room).

... name Σ0..1stringName of the location as used by humans / 人間が使用する場所の名前
... alias 0..*stringA list of alternate names that the location is known as, or was known as, in the past / その場所が過去に知られていた、または以前から知られていた別名のリスト
... description Σ0..1stringAdditional details about the location that could be displayed as further information to identify the location beyond its name / 名前以外の場所を識別するための詳細情報として表示できる場所に関する追加の詳細
... mode Σ0..1codeinstance | kind / インスタンス|種類
Binding: LocationMode (required): Indicates whether a resource instance represents a specific location or a class of locations.

... type Σ0..*CodeableConceptType of function performed / 実行される機能のタイプ
Binding: ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType (extensible): Indicates the type of function performed at the location.

... telecom 0..*ContactPointContact details of the location / 所在地の連絡先
... address 0..1AddressPhysical location / 物理的な場所
... physicalType Σ0..1CodeableConceptPhysical form of the location / 場所の物理的な形態
Binding: LocationType (example): Physical form of the location.

... position 0..1BackboneElementThe absolute geographic location / 絶対的な地理的位置
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... longitude 1..1decimalLongitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの経度
.... latitude 1..1decimalLatitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データの緯度
.... altitude 0..1decimalAltitude with WGS84 datum / WGS84データによる高度
... managingOrganization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization responsible for provisioning and upkeep / プロビジョニングと維持管理を担当する組織
... partOf 0..1Reference(Location)Another Location this one is physically a part of / この場所が物理的に存在するもう一つの場所
... hoursOfOperation 0..*BackboneElementWhat days/times during a week is this location usually open / この場所は通常、1週間のうち何日/時間帯に営業しています。
.... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... daysOfWeek 0..*codemon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun / 月|火|水|木|金|土|日
Binding: DaysOfWeek (required): The days of the week.

.... allDay 0..1booleanThe Location is open all day / その場所は終日営業しています
.... openingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location opens / 場所が開く時間
.... closingTime 0..1timeTime that the Location closes / 場所が閉まる時間
... availabilityExceptions 0..1stringDescription of availability exceptions / 利用可能の例外についての説明。
... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location / 場所のために運営されているサービスへのアクセスを提供する技術的なエンドポイント

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron

Terminology Bindings

Max Binding: AllLanguages


dom-2errorLocationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
: contained.contained.empty()
dom-3errorLocationIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource or SHALL refer to the containing resource
: contained.where((('#'+id in (%resource.descendants().reference | %resource.descendants().as(canonical) | %resource.descendants().as(uri) | %resource.descendants().as(url))) or descendants().where(reference = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists() or descendants().where(as(canonical) = '#').exists()).not()).trace('unmatched', id).empty()
dom-4errorLocationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
: contained.meta.versionId.empty() and contained.meta.lastUpdated.empty()
dom-5errorLocationIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a security label
: contained.meta.security.empty()
dom-6Best PracticeLocationA resource should have narrative for robust management
: text.`div`.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.metaAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.implicitRulesAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.languageAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.textAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.extensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1errorLocation.extensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.modifierExtensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1errorLocation.modifierExtensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.identifierAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.statusAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.operationalStatusAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.nameAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.aliasAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.descriptionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.modeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.typeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.telecomAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.addressAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.physicalTypeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.positionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.position.extensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1errorLocation.position.extensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.position.modifierExtensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1errorLocation.position.modifierExtensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.position.longitudeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.position.latitudeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.position.altitudeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.managingOrganizationAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.partOfAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperationAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.extensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.extensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.modifierExtensionAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ext-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.modifierExtensionMust have either extensions or value[x], not both
: extension.exists() != value.exists()
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.daysOfWeekAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.allDayAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.openingTimeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.hoursOfOperation.closingTimeAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.availabilityExceptionsAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())
ele-1errorLocation.endpointAll FHIR elements must have a @value or children
: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())