HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide
1.1.2-dev - ci-build
HL7 FHIR JP Core ImplementationGuide - Local Development build (v1.1.2-dev) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
項目 | 内容 |
定義URL | http://jpfhir.jp/fhir/core/CapabilityStatement/JP_Client_CapabilityStatement |
Version | 1.1.2-dev |
Name | JP_Client_CapabilityStatement |
Title | JP Core Client CapabilityStatement |
Status | Active ( 2023-10-31 ) |
Copyright | Copyright FHIR Japanese implementation research working group in Japan Association of Medical Informatics (JAMI) 一般社団法人日本医療情報学会NeXEHRS課題研究会FHIR日本実装検討WG |
JP Core実装ガイドを利用したサイトを作成する際にクライアント側で規定するCapabilityStatementのOperationsおよびSearch Parametersのリスト例を提示する。JP Core ServerがサポートするFHIRプロファイルに限定しているため、FHIR Baseのプロファイルを利用する際などは必要な項目を追記すること。
この章ではJP Core Clientの期待される機能について説明する。
JP Core Serverによってサポートされる FHIR プロファイル・RESTful操作・検索パラメータの完全なリストを定義する。
JP Core Clientは個別のユースケースや意味的な要請に応じてこれらのリストを通じて必要なデータにアクセスすることができる。
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Note to Implementers: FHIR Capabilities
Any FHIR capability may be 'allowed' by the system unless explicitly marked as 'SHALL NOT'. A few items are marked as MAY in the Implementation Guide to highlight their potential relevance to the use case.
This CapabilityStatement instantiates the CapabilityStatementJP Core Client CapabilityStatement
interaction.The summary table lists the resources that are part of this configuration, and for each resource it lists:
Resource Type | Profile | R | V-R | S | U | P | C | D | H-I | H-T | Searches | _include | _revinclude | Operations |
Patient | Supported Profiles JP Core Patient Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, name, family, given, birthdate, gender, phone, address-postalcode | Provenance:target | ||
Coverage | Supported Profiles JP Core Coverage Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | beneficiary, class-type, class-value, dependent, identifier, patient, payor, policy-holder, status, subscriber, type | Provenance:target | ||
Encounter | Supported Profiles JP Core Encounter Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | patient, identifier, class, date, status, type | Provenance:target | ||
Location | Supported Profiles JP Core Location Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, name, address, address-city, address-state, address-postalcode | Provenance:target | ||
Organization | Supported Profiles JP Core Organization Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, name, address | Provenance:target | ||
Practitioner | Supported Profiles JP Core Practitioner Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, name | Provenance:target | ||
PractitionerRole | Supported Profiles JP Core PractitionerRole Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, specialty, practitioner | Provenance:target | ||
Medication | Supported Profiles JP Core Medication Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier | Provenance:target | ||
MedicationRequest | Supported Profiles JP Core MedicationRequest Profile JP Core MedicationRequest Injection Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, authoredon, date, category, code, requester, jp-medication-start | Provenance:target | ||
MedicationDispense | Supported Profiles JP Core MedicationDispense Profile JP Core MedicationDispense Injection Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, whenhandedover, whenprepared, code, performer, context | Provenance:target | ||
MedicationAdministration | Supported Profiles JP Core MedicationAdministration Profile JP Core MedicationAdministration Injection Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, effective-time, code, performer, request | Provenance:target | ||
Immunization | Supported Profiles JP Core Immunization Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, date | Provenance:target | ||
Observation | Supported Profiles JP Core Observation Common Profile JP Core Observation LabResult Profile JP Core Observation Microbiology Profile JP Core Observation VitalSigns Profile JP Core Observation BodyMeasurement Profile JP Core Observation PhysicalExam Profile JP Core Observation SocialHistory Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, category, code, date, encounter, value-quantity, value-concept, value-string, based-on | Provenance:target | ||
ImagingStudy | Supported Profiles JP Core ImagingStudy Radiology Profile JP Core ImagingStudy Endoscopy Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, modality, bodysite, started, encounter | Provenance:target | ||
DiagnosticReport | Supported Profiles JP Core DiagnosticReport Common Profile JP Core DiagnosticReport LabResult Profile JP Core DiagnosticReport Microbiology Profile JP Core DiagnosticReport Radiology Profile JP Core DiagnosticReport Endoscopy Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | based-on, category, code, conclusion, date, encounter, identifier, issued, media, patient, performer, result, results-interpreter, specimen, status | Provenance:target | ||
AllergyIntolerance | Supported Profiles JP Core AllergyIntolerance Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, clinical-status, date, category, verification-status, criticality, type | Provenance:target | ||
Condition | Supported Profiles JP Core Condition Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, clinical-status, onset-date, category, verification-status | Provenance:target | ||
Procedure | Supported Profiles JP Core Procedure Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, date | Provenance:target | ||
FamilyMemberHistory | Supported Profiles JP Core FamilyMemberHistory Profile | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | y | identifier, patient, status, relationship | Provenance:target |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | name | string | |
SHALL | family | string | |
SHALL | given | string | |
SHALL | birthdate | date | |
SHALL | gender | token | |
SHALL | phone | token | |
SHALL | address-postalcode | string |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | beneficiary | reference | |
SHALL | class-type | token | |
SHALL | class-value | string | |
SHALL | dependent | string | |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | payor | reference | |
SHALL | policy-holder | reference | |
SHALL | status | token | |
SHALL | subscriber | reference | |
SHALL | type | token |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | name | string | |
SHALL | address | string | |
SHALL | address-city | string | |
SHALL | address-state | string | |
SHALL | address-postalcode | string |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | name | string | |
SHALL | address | string |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | name | string |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | specialty | token | |
SHALL | practitioner | reference |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | authoredon | date | |
SHALL | date | date | |
SHALL | category | token | |
SHALL | code | token | |
SHALL | requester | reference | |
SHALL | jp-medication-start | date |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | whenhandedover | date | |
SHALL | whenprepared | date | |
SHALL | code | token | |
SHALL | performer | reference | |
SHALL | context | reference |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | effective-time | date | |
SHALL | code | token | |
SHALL | performer | reference | |
SHALL | request | reference |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | date | date |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | category | token | |
SHALL | code | token | |
SHALL | date | date | |
SHALL | encounter | reference | |
SHALL | value-quantity | quantity | |
SHALL | value-concept | token | |
SHALL | value-string | string | |
SHALL | based-on | reference |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | based-on | reference | |
SHALL | category | token | |
SHALL | code | token | |
SHALL | conclusion | token | |
SHALL | date | date | |
SHALL | encounter | reference | |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | issued | date | |
SHALL | media | reference | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | performer | reference | |
SHALL | result | reference | |
SHALL | results-interpreter | reference | |
SHALL | specimen | reference | |
SHALL | status | token |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | clinical-status | token | |
SHALL | date | date | |
SHALL | category | token | |
SHALL | verification-status | token | |
SHALL | criticality | token | |
SHALL | type | token |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | clinical-status | token | |
SHALL | onset-date | date | |
SHALL | category | token | |
SHALL | verification-status | token |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
.Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | date | date |
, search-type
, read
, vread
, update
, patch
, delete
, history-instance
, history-type
Conformance | Parameter | Type | Documentation |
SHALL | identifier | token | |
SHALL | patient | reference | |
SHALL | status | token | |
SHALL | relationship | token |